Monday, August 17, 2009

Professional Letter Of Acceptance To A Sorority

Fourth Fifth Hello fellow!

started to welcome a new radio season. After a long vacation we want to go gradually revealing the new features this year.

A year where ACB will be more than ever, either by the proximity of Lucentum CB Murcia. And is that some of the new equipment comes from Murcia, as the Fourth Five team talked with the young base medalist in Greece Murcia and Jose Antonio Marco.

hope gradually refine the program and show yourselves to the members of the new season of basketball.

We would like you to participate with us. Therefore, if you think that your computer or environment is someone who deserves to be known for his long dedication to basketball, please tell us. With this new section we pay homage to all those / as who have contributed to the maintenance or improvement Basketball selflessly (kitman, monitors, ...).

This send us a mail with a brief description of why you think we should interview in this new section.


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