Monday, October 19, 2009

Lower Left Abdomen Pain When Coughing

Sentimental Education

The NBA is not only basketball league that plays in the U.S.. Is something else. As the country, people, gossip, music, cultures, business ... is a unique and different world. Andrés Montes well understood. So his early broadcasts were not stories of basketball but life narratives. He found his perfect Antoni partner in Coldstream for one reason: they were completely different. They were intelligent, educated, knowledgeable but with different ways of being. The chemistry between them was explosive. It was great to see a game of mythical teams like Phoenix Suns Sacramento Kings or (they put the basketball championships was taken others) but it was great to know that after those comments were the couple Montes / Coldstream. Because going to see basketball level but also knew you'd have fun and learn.

Montes worked in media with different approaches and ideologies either COPE , Grupo Prisa ( Canal Plus) and Antena 3 Radio blowing absurd prejudices. Just look at the differences between journalists have praised him. He did what he knew trying to entertain and teach the stupid staff away from business struggles. So a special generation (mine, who grew up with the broadcasts of the NBA) will have to have a special affection. Because it blew the barrier and the distance between the journalist and the audience. I think a special club where you feel picked up and comforted, a place to belong. If you saw moments carefully Montes / Coldstream wise you were watching something historic and unique that he had to enjoy. Something that would belong to the sentimental education of each. So Andrés Montes deserves eternal gratitude. RCF


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