Tuesday, April 26, 2011

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. Tournament Fixture Preparation

Last weekend we played a new date for the Junior Basketball League, registering the following results.
In Group "D", Peñarol defeated Villa del Parque de Necochea by a wide 106-54, Bahia Blanca Pueyrredón took as local Villa Mitre from the same city from 70 to 54, Olavarria Racing had a bye.

In Group "E", North Bahiense beat Argentine Bay as a visitor 77 to 72, while Junior Tres Arroyos Argentina had a very good performance from a visitor and bowed to telephones by 62 to 48, leaving students free Olavarria.

Regarding the group "F", Quilmes de Mar del Plata, won the "Jose Martinez" Huracan Tres Arroyos by 84 to 30, while Union of our city did the same in their stadium before Leandro N. Alem Bahía Blanca by 57 to 51. He was released Pueblo Nuevo de Olavarria. Meanwhile

by the "G" Kimberley fell again in this local case against Independiente de Tandil by 71 to 56, while the IAE won at home to Bahia Blanca Liniers 57 to 45, being free Quilmes Tres Arroyos.


C umplidas 6 dates:
Group "D".

Peñarol (MDP) .- 10 pts.
Villa Mitre (BB) - 8 pts.

Group "E".

North Bahiense pts .- 9 .-
Argentino (BB) .- 8 pts.

Group "F".

Quilmes (MDP) .- 10 pts .-
Union (MDP) .- 8 pts .-

Group "G". IAE

Club (MDP) .- 9 pts .-
Indep. (Tandil) .- 8 pts .-

impaz The tournament will suffer and will resume on Saturday May 14, with the dispute of the second date of the rematches with the following events:

Group "D".

vs Villa Mitre. Peñarol.
Villa Park (N) vs. Racing (O). Free
: Pueyrredón (BB).

Group "E".

vs North Bahiense. Phones. Argentine
JR. vs Estudiantes (O). Free
: Argentino (BB).

Group "F". Leandro N.

Alem vs. Quilmes (MDP).
Huracán (TA) vs. Pueblo Nuevo (O).
Free: Union (MDP).

Group "G".

Indep. (T) vs. Quilmes (TA).
Liniers (BB) vs. Kimberley. Free
: IAE.


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